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Submitted by Sylviane Amiet on 05/04/16 – 09:33

Defending Knowledge

Knowledge for us is all the knowledge  useful for life.
We refuse an expensive vision given by  the economist that knowledge helps to develop the "human capital", that is to say, to prepare individuals to the working world and its transformations. This often is  translated into privatization and hyper-specialization which does not allow a real humanist education for many subjects. Knowledge was born with the individual in his /her culture and it gradually opens to the reality and the world.
In our view, offering to the world knowledge  means giving everyone opportunities and tools to build the reality, the deeper meaning of things, the representation of the world to change.
 So It is  the democratization of knowledge that we try to practice.

The public school is the social workshop in which all the cultures, world views, orientations toward reality, values, diversities are present and can mingle and enrich each other.
We try to make the school a place of participation, a place for training in participatory democracy atmosphere, which supports the differences and offers everyone the maximum of opportunities, especially to the poor, according to the principle 'to give more for those with less', not equally for those who are not equal especially  when we are at the beginning of an occurrence.
'With knowledge, we do not eat' the current neo-liberal politicians sometimes affirms. We reject this simplistic and mechanical vision of culture and knowledge.
We ask to  the movements which actions they can activate to change the idea of the  ​​functioning  of culture and education.
For example, students, some years ago in Italy to protest against the economic cuts to schools and university, they held demonstrations with reproductions of the most important book covers.
Teachers in turn exposed the most significant educational texts  important for their  formation.