To the Freinet Movement of Quebec
Copy to FIMEM Movements
Dear comrades of the Mouvement Freinet du Québec,
We have learned that Marc Audet, one of the founders of the Mouvement Freinet du Québec has left us. It is with great emotion for this determined and courageous man who carried the hopes and actions of the Freinet pedagogy that we wish to send, in the name of the FIMEM, to all our comrades in Quebec, and to his family, all our thoughts of friendship and solidarity.
Attached is Marc Audet's text presenting the birth of the Canadian Freinet Movement, which he wrote in 2019 for the magazine Le Nouvel Educateur.
Greetings from all of us at FIMEM
For FIMEM, the Administrative Council
Cheikh Makhfousse Seck, Gabriella Varaldi, Glaucia de Melo Ferreira, Juan Fernandez Platero, Marguerite Gomez