Gespeichert von Lanfranco Genito am Di., 25.09.2018 - 09:31

Texto de mi agradecimiento que no tuve tiempo para leer, en la Asamblea General de FIMEM en Ljungskile

Gracias a todos, para mi elección a la CA de Fimem. Quiero agradecer primero a mis camaradas italianos, después de mi amiga Nuccia Maldera. También saludo a Eduard, que después de unos años, deja la CA.

THANKS for my election at CA of Fimem

Gespeichert von Lanfranco Genito am Di., 25.09.2018 - 09:22

Text of my thanks, that I did not have time to read, at the FIMEM General Assembly in Ljungskile

Thank you to all, for my election at CA of Fimem.
I want to thank first my Italian companeros, after my friend Nuccia Maldera. I also greet Eduard, that after a few years, leaves the CA.
I am very honored, to have been elected in such an important organism as the CA of Fimem; the federation of our associations of educators who, as volunteers, dedicate part of their time and their energies, to a better world. I promise to do my best, to honor this position.