Why organize groups like this? It was felt that it is important, after having a 'strong' experience of training in the workshops, to reflect together on the meaning of what has just been done and to try to transfer it into class practices. Experience only is not sufficient if it is not followed by reflection to return to practice with more attention and ability to readjust to its context the experienced elements.
An added value is also the possibility of exchanging among participants in different workshops, which can offer a panorama of all the activities of the different groups of the morning.
Note that first-person activity, as adults, is fundamental to work well in the classroom, but it needs time and space for reflection.
The following is a summary of participants' comments and expectations. It will be useful to the organizers of the next RIDEF.
Strengthen our approach to FP to better disseminate it in our classes and have it recognized as a state pedagogy.
Disseminating techniques AND philosophy
Promoting children's rights
Need to discuss the problem of sanctions in our classes. The school council can not operate in an environment of educational violence.
Look for strategies that enable collaboration with authorities
How to adapt teaching to each learner.
Coherence between the theme of the Ridef and the workshops
Go back with extra baggage to help in the classroom and with each child. Be better equipped to practice in the classroom and transfer the acquired knowledge to the children
Encourage encounters between people and cultures
Finding ways to bring discourse closer to reality
Limit the number of participants
Work in the same way as with our students, with the right to speak to each and exchange of skills
Bring support materials to the workshop
Ensure translations
Respect the time
Provide access to workshop content to Rideau who have been unable to participate
Focus on workshop presentations given by think tanks from MVTs rather than individuals
Ensure clear programming of workshops
Foster practical workshops
Extend the reflection and the exchange of experience AFTER the Ridef between the participants of the group
Provide display spaces to inform participants of work in each workshop over the Ridef
Increase the duration of the Ridef
Improve translations. Ensure respect for everyone's word
Only one workshop runs in the afternoon and more time for informal exchanges
Shoot the workshops and offer the whole on USB key.
Strengthen the idea of grassroots groups