2014. L'atelier long TECHNIQUES FREINET, un témoignage d'Aurélia STEDRANSKY

Enviado por Aurelia Stedransky el Dom, 27/07/2014 - 13:04

Aurélia enseigne le français et le latin dans un collège en France. 

Ses élèves sont âgés de onze à quatorze ans.

Elle est très contente d'avoir participé à "un atelier vivant, où l'on pratique la pédagogie Freinet tout en apprenant"...



Dossier of the RIDEF 2012 in León

Enviado por Arnout Vandecappelle el Dom, 27/07/2014 - 12:36

A dossier of the RIDEF in León is available on a pen drive. One pen drive is foreseen for each participant of that RIDEF. They have been given to representatives of each country, together with a list of the participants from that country. Those who have not yet received this package should search a member of the MCEP to get it.

2014.07.27. Secularity and women's rights at the FIMEM

Enviado por Claude Beaunis el Dom, 27/07/2014 - 12:10



Secularity and womens rights at the FIMEM
Summary of the discussion in the English language group, 2014-07-24
Present at the discussion: 16 persons, from Sweden, Belgium and Greece.
The discussion focused mainly upon the aspect of secularity and religious symbols, and agreed about the following points:
·         Who are we to decide about this? We should listen to others, not tell them what to do or not to do.