manifeste contre les politiques migratoires européennes voté à la RIDEF de Suède en 2018
MANIFESTO 350 educators from 27 countries meet at the 32nd International Meeting of Educators Freinet (RIDEF) at Ljungskile in Sweden.
During the last fifteen years, an "atomic bomb" has been deployed in the Mediterranean: 34,361 victims so far, including many children.
Nobody emigrates of their own free will. Historical, economic, political causes (colonialism, neocolonialism, globalization) are at the root of the impoverishment of Africa and the Middle East. We have recently witnessed the closing of borders and the spread of feelings of insecurity and fear that they prevent the search for collective solutions and solidarity.
It is essential to reverse this process, to promote sustainable development in the countries of origin, to demand the responsibility of the media, European States and companies and to authorize and encourage solidarity organizations.
Meeting at RIDEF 2018 in Ljungskile, Sweden, we ask for a different policy of struggle against poverty and marginalization, and we oppose all forms of discrimination and xenophobia.
A significant part of public opinion is already mobilizing in favor of migrants, social organizations and acts of solidarity in the field.
Freinet educators, alongside the oppressed, engage in their schools, in society and declare their civil disobedience against oppression and discrimination.
The General Assembly of the International Federation of Modern School Movements (F.I.M.E.M.)
Ljungskile, 27 July 2018