Nantes / Saint Herblain, France
I. Letter from the President.
II. The work of CA.
III. First session of the FIMEM General Assembly.
IV. Second session of the FIMEM General Assembly.
During the RIDEF of Nantes we have seen, through concrete actions and some deep thoughts, paths that can provide new ways to cope with the contradictions we live as a society.
If this is possible in each RIDEF, how to ensure that this can also become reality in our daily life?
We know that some of them are going to participate in the World Forum of Education, the meeting on the rights of children, projects for children in cities, to pronounce the IILatin American Pronouncement, to the democratic meetings and mobilizations in defense of rights.
Reflections on the Rights of the Child, the vigilance against xenophobia, the need to open the FIMEEM to critical thinking of the XXI century, such as the Earth Charter, the World Declaration on Education for All, New Latin American pronunciation, the creation the philosophical sapace that can permit interaction with other actors who live in their daily life as an alternative society, as our ridefien society, should lead us to further reflection on how our Charter becomes a crucible of dialogues and further negotiations, because the world has made great progress, but also left behind many ways to act, to understand the complexity of the world.
- Is a fundamental right, waived and that it’s our responsibility to attend it.
- involves experiences, active participation in social life and a constant exercise of democracy.
- should be coordinated with social and political life of the people to have a real impact on people's lives.
- involves integration, social inclusion, solidarity and cooperation.
- should promote the development of personalities and self criticism.
- must restructure its ongoing educational models of action.
To return to our everyday reality, it is important to ask what the DIDEF left us, what we have learned, what we scored, what are the thoughts and words we have appropriated, which actions or examples of others have made us rectify our own route, what do we take to our classrooms, colleagues or families.
Teresita Garduño Rubio.
September 2010
Board Members FIMEM 2008-2010:
president: Teresita Garduño Rubio, Emiliano Zapata 60, Colonia la Candelaria Coyoacan, 04380 Mexico DF, Mexico
Treasurer: Elke Hofmann, Lorettostr. 58, 79100 Freiburg, Germany
E-mail: @ ac-michel.mulat
Secretary: Luba Kolebinova, 3 Raven Str., Sofia 1618, Bulgaria
The FIMEM’s BD had numerous meetings in Saint Herblain - from July 19th to July 30th 2010:
Two meetings were held with the organizers:
- To discuss and resolve issues concerning the organization of the RIDEF - the work of various committees and the work of the BD - the moral report. There was also a joint work of treasurers on financial issues during a few meetings.
- A meeting was held with representatives of Spanish MCEP about their candidacy to the Board and for the RIDEF 2012 in Spain.
There were meetings of the Board or Board members with different movements and groups:
- With representatives of Burkina, who will work together in a national movement;
- With 3 Brazilian movements which manifest the intention to work together;
- With the Club Freinet of South Korea. The Koreans presented their activities since the inception of the club and his intentions to form later a movement;
- With representatives of CAMEM to discuss to their future plans (see Summary on the site by entering “CAMEM / decisions");
- With CAMEM and representatives of Burkina Faso for the creation of a single movement of the Burkinabe Modern School (formal contract of training the "Burkinabe Movement for Modern School - MBEM)
- With competent people, interested in ensuring the smooth functioning of the future FIMEM site.
- Regional or continental meetings were held to strengthen contacts between the movements.
- The organizing team has prepared a rich program for participants and visits of four-Freinet schools- during the day excursions are very popular.
- Organization of the presidency and the secretariat of the first and third session of the GA.
- Organization of the second session of the GA in several groups of languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, German and English) to discuss the moral and financial reports, nominations to the Board and FIMEM, changes in Internal regulations, FIMEM’s Charter, FIMEM’s CA guidance 2010-2012. Some changes were made to the moral report and presented to participants before the third session of the GA.
- The financial report and the budget estimates were reviewed and discussed.
e) Solidarity Fund.
- The organizers of the RIDEF received large sums from many organizations, which helped bring 34 African, 6 from Georgia and 1 from Haiti. The last African visas were received shortly before the RIDEF, although documents from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs had been prepared and sent to embassies after several months. For this reason, it is recommended again to start the RIDEF attending these actions in advance, as well as airline tickets.
- The FIMEM subsidized participants from Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe. In this context it is noteworthy that there was a very large participation of Brazilians. (Brazil 52, Mexico 25, Chile 1).
- Sums of solidarity provided for some representatives of our movements that could not come to the RIDEF have been used to assist in the registration fee for one participant from Senegal who was not taken into account in the list of participants from Africa and the rest was shared between groups of East and Central Europe and Brazil.
Big thanks to everyone who has helped by paying money to the group and FIMEM. This solidarity allowed the participation of representatives of poor countries in this RIDEF.
- To reduce travel costs, the BD will try to have just two meetings before the RIDEF 2012 in Spain, but with more days of work.
g) RIDEF 2012
h) The Charter of FIMEM.
BD wanting to keep the work of all movements and individuals, has proposed the creation of a philosophical space in which many documents will be kept: the old Charter of 1968, the Charter of the Freinet Kooperative and other documents of organizations close to FIMEM such as the Charter of Children's Rights, the Earth Charter, etc…
Adopt the grouping of countries of the World Report on Human Development, for example:
high human development category = B;
medium and low human development category = C.
- The updated pamphlet can be printed in English, French and German from FIMEM site. ("Animated BD / flyer)
- Request all Movements to update their own information in the section of "Movements" in the site and fill the tables of addresses of their members so that we can keep the lists updated.
k) FIMEM site.
- A team of administrators will work on creating a new site and transfer the current site.
Some points were added to the guidelines proposed by the Board, and all were passed by the GA. (See Annex 2)
m) Motion of the Round Table.
- A text was prepared following the roundtable with the theme “The destruction of public schools in Europe”. The roundtable organizing group will work on the text proposed to the participants and will send it to the movements to describe it in their respective countries.
n) Next Meeting of the Board.
- It will be held in León in April 2011. July 2011 (probably from July 4 to 11) in Spain, during MCEP’s Congress in Huelva.
Thursday, July 22, 2010 - Nantes, France.
1. Welcome and presentation of the various delegations.
President of FIMEM, Teresita Garduño, surrounded by the BD, welcomed all delegations and participants, who were introduced to the Assembly.
The delegations were:
Germany: AKS, Kooperative-Freinet.
Austria: Salzburg Group.
Belgium: EPB AND FBV.
Benin: ABEM.
Brazil: ABDEPP and MREMNN.
Bulgaria: MEMB.
Spain: MCEP.
Finland: ELS.
France: ICEM several groups Departmental.
Italy: ERM.
Japan: GGUS.
Mexico: MEPA.
Poland: PSAPF
Romania: ARSM.
Russia: AFR.
Senegal: ASEM.
Sweden: KAP.
Switzerland: FGS.
Mamadou Demba
3. Candidate presentation.
Patricia Despaquis, presented by the French movement, ICEM.
Pilar Fontevedra presented by the Spanish Movement MCEP.
Giancarlo present his proposal to participate in the BD, "from outside".
Giancarlo proposed to participate in the activities of CA and its meetings, assuring himself its expenses.
This situation is unique and will be dealt with by the new Board.
4. Presentation of movement’s candidates to enter the FIMEM.
Cameroon: Papa Meïssa Hanne, President of CAMEM, provides the favorable evidence to the entrance of this country in FIMEM.
Georgia: the IDEM 44, departmental panel, co-organizer of the RIDEF, explains how this movement has flourished since 1999, and has explained that many projects have combined these two groups. (Internships, exchanges, workshops and exhibitions in the RIDEF since 2002).
Presentation of a new movement.
5. Moral report of activities 2008-2010.
It is read and discussed in order to refine the content and to complete it.
Elke Hofmann, observes that the global economic situation has an impact on the financial position of the movements.
The operating cost is high because of the distances between its members. (Senegal-Europe-Mexico)
7. FIMEM guidelines.
The guidelines were presented.
8. Next RIDEF:
2014 in Italy? The economic and political situation is not favorable now.
9. Charter modification project: This project is approved.
Three proposals were presented in the motions.
1. Keep the current Charter. (Position of motion of the French Belgian movement)
2. The text proposed by the Austrian and German movements.
3. The text sketched by the commission composed of members of Spanish, Italian and Mexican movements. Giancarlo Cavinato, member of the Committee, reflects the difficulties encountered in the transmission and circulation of documents at work.
What can we do make so that the different movements can recognize each other in a the new, founding, text?
The structure of the current Charter shall be open to educational environment, social contexts of countries, times.
A delay could still be useful.
Delegates are invited to continue discussions with participants in their movement by the GA.
This change was made.
Patricia Despaquis
Language Groups - Sunday, July 25, 2010
French language group
1 - Nominations
BD candidates: no comment
• Partner in BD: Is it the responsibility of the GA? Is it consistent with the statutes? Nothing otherwise.
• It is not normal that a movement can not enter the CA for financial reasons, because it cannot pay 40% of its trip.
FIMEM candidate satisfies the conditions: no comment
2 - Finance:
Conclusion: no comment
Estimate: We specify that the 300 Euros are intended to promote international publication, DVDs, newspapers, newsletters, books if possible ...
3 - Moral Report
Chapter 5: a protocol that improves communication between BD’s and the organizers of the next RIDEFwould be welcome.
The paragraph about Jean Le Gall will be written by himself or at least reviewed.
We clarify the question of “the future of FIMEM” . The balance Europe-Africa-Asia and America is changing and requires us to consider another organization so that all movements should be represented in our meetings and so that training can also be crossed.
Fimem site.
Our working table for calculating contributions will be posted on the wall FIMEM at the entrance of the bar. Correct any errors on the average salary of a teacher with 15 years seniority.
6 - Charter:
People complain of the lack of information: the charter was sent to movements in the month of May to be discussed before the RIDEF.
However any movement should at least adopt the passed charter.
The Board will propose a vote integrating the Brazilian proposal of a central core and satellites. The first being voted in Nantes and additions may be offered before each AG without limitation. Is it manageable?
For the least of Latin American countries it is an urgent need to updated the charter. Can we vote on a base which would be refined in the future?
7 - Other matters:
Display: all the documents to be voted are posted on the FIMEM’s Wall (bar) because all the delegates did not have any documents (see end rushes AG 1)
A motion will be written and signed by the FIMEM concerning the destruction of the education system in many countries.
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
2nd AG .- Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Group.
NANTES, July 25, 2010
Discussion Topics
1. Candidates.
The candidates were presented:
• Teresita Garduno, Mexico. (2 more years)
• Mamadou Demba, Senegal. (2 more years)
• Ingrid Dietrich, Germany. (4 years)
• Patricia Despaquis, France. (4 years)
• Fontevedra Pilar, Spain. (4 years)
Not voting:
Associate Member: Giancarlo Cavinato, Italy
No comments.
2. Financial Report 2008-2010 and budget estimates 2010-2012.
No comments.
It was explained to the Assembly that the Board had received comments about the Moral Report presented at the first AG.
The differences between the first and the second report were:
Rights of the Child.
Jean Le Gal has been assigned by the Board to represent the FIMEM (due to his implication in the defense of the rights of children) in both events around the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and in all actions aimed to raise awareness of this issue.
• Grant applications have been conducted only by the host country. We are very impressed by the long list of donors. The choice of these grants under the jurisdiction of the organizers of Nantes, Lyon and Friends of Freinet.
• The African group is especially grateful for the grants received by the RIDEF’s organizers through solidarity and also by the funding from partner organizations.
4. Orientations.
The proposals made at the first session of the General Assembly FIMEM (22 / 07/10) were accepted, but participants have added others.
Publish an inventory of the files that hold the memories of the International Freinet movement and its addresses (postal and web site). People can also visit Mayenne, Nice ...sites
The Internal regulation Committee has seeked for an actual classification for the countries and among the statistics released, they chose the 2009 Global Report on Human Development, which takes into account not only economic growth but also building human capacity.
The proposal was accepted.
6. FIMEM Charter.
The voting process has been presented with the following steps:
First vote: "Change or not change the Charter.
Second vote: If the vote "to change" wins, we vote the two proposals for a new charter:
Opportunity for the vote:
If not, 3rd vote
Third vote:
4th vote:
Last step:
On the other hand, there was a discussion because of the text of the Charter contained in the site. It does not represent the final work. They decided to work the draft and submit the final text to ridefiens before the third meeting.
Nantes, July 23, 2010
Theme of meeting: The Future of FIMEM
Greetings, Introduction
1. Such events, federation
2. Solidarity and Finance
3. Unifying Europe Group. (This relates to point 1) The west and east.
4. Memories and archives of the FIMEM
1. - 3.
Arguments for an European federation:
• Moving towards an European federation based on our experiences and rich exchanges to take advantage of European institutions in terms of support and finance.
• To be recognized at European level for training and to have a real influence, it is essential to create such a federation
• To receive grants for our travels.
4.Proposals “Friends of Freinet”
• Create an international commission and Archives cooperative
• Promote a dynamic in every movement around the issue of the memory of international and national movements.
• It must simultaneously be able to access a website that centralizes the archives and a place that brings them together.
July 24, 2010, Elke Hofmann
In the Blue Room of the Lycée Jules Rieffel Saint Herblain were summoned the American ridefiens for the Assembly of the Americas. It was attended by 52 Brazilian, 25 Mexican and one Chilean, another Chilean staying in Nantes, a Haitian and a Canadian resident.
We talked about the importance of strengthening the cooperative work between Freinet national movements. Secondly, we stressed the urgency to integrate more teachers who practice alternative ways of learning.
The Latin American countries share a common reality: rising poverty, deteriorating public schools, illiteracy, exploitation of children. That's because of the need to construct an identity that guides our American practices and helps us solve similar problems: large school groups, very low wages for teachers and loss of legitimacy of teachers' work.
At the meeting, we saw the beginning of reconciliation between the movement of the North-Northeast of Brazil, with ABDEPP because both movements have decided to work together to organize the First Meeting of Freinet educators in America (RADEF) to be held in the National Meeting of Educators Freinet in Brazil
Flavio Boleiz Júnior proposed to establish an American Freinet Network. He began working a few days after RIDEF and he has now (October 15) over 125 members. The Freinet meeting of America will be held in Teresina, Piaui, Brazil from 15 to 22 July 2011. His organization has the responsibility of the Partners of the Modern School North / Northeast of Brazil. (Chair: Waldília Neiva M S Cordeiro.)
July 23, 2010. Teresita Rubio Garduño.
1. Designation of the President of the GA. / Welcome and Installation of the President of the GA
2. Roll call of delegates. / Presentation of delegates and vote count
3. Agenda Voting / Approval of the agenda and installation of the voting committee
4. Moral Report
5. Balance sheet. / Financial Report
6. Election of new auditors.
7. Election of new board members.
8. FIMEM guidelines.
9. Projected Budget 2010-2012.
10. Integration of new members to the FIMEM. / Affiliates FIMEM
11. RIDEF 2012.
12. Charter FIMEM.
13. Changing the Internal Regulations.
14. Other matters.
1. Welcome and Installation of the President of the GA.
Teresita Garduño - Chairman of the Board of FIMEM (2008-2010) thanked all participants for their collaborative work and translations in various sessions of the GA.
After, she called the composition of the Directorate of GA
Chair: César González Trapiello. (Spain)
Secretaries: Ingrid Dietrich (Germany) and Luba Kolebinova. (Bulgaria)
Master of Time: Dobanda Mihaela (Romania)
Delegates from different movements were presented. Vote count: 23 delegates were present and 1 absent.
3. Approval of the agenda of the 3 rd Session of the GA.
The agenda was approved by the GA.
Installation of the Voting Committee:
Miriam Valladares (Mexico), María Eugenia López de Vicuña (Spain), Yacouba Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso)
4. Moral report.
Teresita Garduño underlined the changes in the original Moral report considering the comments received during the 2nd session of the General Assembly and a meeting with the organizing team.
After the presentation of changes and the reading of paragraph 5 about the relationship with the GD 44 for the preparation of RIDEF, the Moral Report was voted on and accepted unanimously - 23 votes.
The moral report was unanimously adopted. (See Appendix 2)
The auditors Niklausen Renate (Germany) and Andi Honneger (Switzerland) said that after checking the balance, the financial report is in order, clear and presented in the period.
Vote for the Financial Report: 23 votes.
The financial report was passed unanimously.
The Chairman warmly thanked the treasurer Elke Hofmann for her excellent work.
6. Election of new auditors.
Elke Hofmann and Andi Honneger are candidates as auditors for the period 2010-2012. Rating: 23 votes.
The new auditors were elected unanimously.
7. Election of new board members.
(The personal presentation of new candidates can be found in Appendix 3)
There was no question about the nominees
The GA elected the following candidates:
Teresita Garduño, Mexico (2 more years) 23 votes
Mamadou Demba, Senegal (2 more years) 21 votes;
Ingrid Dietrich, Germany (4 years) 22 votes for;
Patricia Despaquis, France (4 years) 23 votes;
Fontevedra Pilar, Spain (4 years) 23 votes.
Luba Kolebinova, Elke Hoffman and Michel Mulat.
(The distribution of tasks of the new board takes place later, during their first working meeting.)
Chair: Teresita Rubio Garduño, Emiliano Zapata 60, Colonia la Candelaria Coyoacán, 04380 México DF, Mexico
Vice President: Mamadou Demba, 12 Rue Thierno Ousmane Sy, Sor Ndiolofène Saint-Louis Senegal
Treasurer: Patricia Despaquis, 25 Rue du Regnier 69800. Priest ST. France
E-mail: patricia.despaquis @
Secretary: Ingrid Dietrich Hoelderlinweg 14, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
E-mail: dietrich.i @
Responsible for RIDEF 2012:
Fontevedra Pilar, Calle Escuela Taller, 15 Astorga (León) España CP24700
041 5903693 (prefixo internacional de Italia 0039) 3470154407 mobile
8. FIMEM guidelines.
The President presented the changes in the guidelines that were added after the second session and circulated in advance before the third session. (Annex 4)
Vote for guidance 2010-2012: 23 votes.
The guidelines were accepted unanimously.
9. Budget estimates 2010-2012. (Previously distributed to participants)
Vote for the budget: 23 votes.
The budget was passed unanimously.
10. Affiliation to the FIMEM.
Vote for the new movements presented:
Georgia (AGPF): 23 votes;
Cameroon (AECEMO): 23 votes.
Georgia and Cameroon were accepted unanimously as FIMEM members.
The Spanish movement MCEP had proposed in 2008 for organizing the RIDEF 2012. A video of the location of the meeting was presented(León, Spain).
Vote for the Spanish proposal: 23 votes.
RIDEF 2012 will be in Spain - voted unanimously.
12. Charter.
The voting procedures on changes to the Charter of the Modern School announcedbefore, has caused objections among the participants.
The FIMEM BD, after debate, presented a new proposal and the participants, after debate, presented other.
The French group explains why his delegates will vote for the Old Charter.
The process number 2, after voting, has been chosen:
- Vote for or against the former Charter;
- If the old charter is not accepted, vote for one of two proposed new charter - the Commission or Kooperative-Freinet.
The vote on changes to the Charter gave the following results.
1) To change the Charter: 11 votes.
Against Charter change: 10 votes
Abstentions: 2
For the text of the Freinet Kooperative: 7
Abstentions: 4
The text of the Charter Commission was accepted.
The Board has proposed the formation of a Commission of Correction of style in different languages.
After this vote the Board of FIMEM proposed voting to create a space that brings together philosophical documents which explain the philosophy of Freinet Pedagogy (eg. Versions of the Charter which the AG has not voted, Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Earth Charter…). In this philosophical space, we can add documents after they have been voted by the GA for each RIDEF.
13. Changing Internal regulations.
Luba Kolebinova presented the proposals of the Committee 2008-2010 of the Internal regulations.
The first proposal of the Internal regulation Commission is to consider
- Countries with high human development as Class A
- Countries with high human development as Class B
- Countries with medium human development and human development are low Class C.
Vote to adopt the categorization of the report on Human Development: 18 votes with 4 abstentions.
The new categorization of countries for the FIMEM members was adopted.
Proposal to add a new factor for some countries in category A to calculate the contribution of movement (art. 3 RI).
Vote to adopt the new ratio: 20 votes with 2 abstentions.
The proposal to have a new factor has been adopted.
The category for each movement is given by the Board of Directors, taking into account economical news. This classification is communicated to the movement itself and published annually with a list of contributions.
If the calculation results less than 15 €, the movement pays the minimum assessment.
Category A countries whose average annual salary is less than 50% of average in this category may receive the coefficient
- We have a motion about the destruction of the Public School.
Participants demanded the GA the enlargement of the proposal to other countries in the FIMEM and developing a network of resistance and that this be adopted as a focus of his work. (Annex 5)
- Papa Meïssa, president of the CAMEM told the AG that-for the RIDEF of Spain in 2012- Mamadou DEMBA can not pay his fees as well as ASEM. He asked that this matter be handled by the new Board and the organizers of the next RIDEF. According to the Internal Regulation of the FIMEM, Article 7a, the travel expenses of each board member is paid by the FIMEM (60% of total costs) and their original movements (40% of total). Fees inscription must be paid by each member himself. This question must be discussed by the new Board.
July 27, 2010
The orientations given to the BD by the GA of Metepec were ambitious and involved the movements and incited them to participate by offering a number of committees. The RIDEF finished and we started working because we can not rely on some meetings to run an International Federation. Our main concern has been to achieve financially to operate our movement and to continuously improve communication between its members.
Priorities voted at the GA of Metepec
In the Internet era, the first communication to make it fully operational is that between the board members. The FIMEM site worked perfectly on this plane, extended with the mailing list. It was evident that this tool is indispensable, especially because we share neither the same working methods, nor the same pace.
Freinet complained already in his time to have enormous difficulties to make the relationship between these movements and to make the responsible persons transmit the information they receive in their own movement. On this plan, did we progress despite the constant BD requests:
spread the information; fill their identity card on the site; if possible add a short history text. The mailing list should permit real exchange between the militants of the movements.
The site commission, suggested in Metepec did not work, so when Michel leaves the BD, if nobody joins the commission before the end of the year, the contract with the hosting company will not be renewed. It would be unfortunate that the thousands of people who continue visiting this site each month (mainly from Latin America and Africa) would lose one of their main sources of information on international Freinet movement, damage to the hundreds of people who use to work alone or with their students. For the latter, it will be considered a solution to safeguard the Cooperative Virtual Classes.
The BD has decided to take a position so that our members or sympathizers are not forgotten in the drama that can live in natural disasters or military aggression. It is always comforting when one has suffered deadly floods that invade the classrooms in the state of Santa Catarina, when he/she has kids under the rubble in Haiti, Gaza and Santiago de Chile, when someone risks his life in southern Colombia or in the streets of Oxaca, receive a message of encouragement and solidarity from some African, Mexican, French, Spanish and Bulgarian. The BD has chosen, in all cases to inform, comfort and condemn the attacks.
* Information
The Board has continued to spread its INFOR at least in French and English, after each BD meeting. They are accompanied by a letter from the President, discussed well understood by the team. The INFOR are now routinely supported by a grid of tasks open to all activists on the FIMEM site, which is the regular point of commitments and actions of each board member.
When necessary, we have published BD Letters between INFOR.
udget is updated regularly on the site where each FIMEM militant can consult. We restarted a consultation with our movements in order to renew our teachers’ salary table about the different countries. This table will allow us to "consider the possible updating of our fees during the next GA.3. Educational Projects:
* Work with CAMEM.
Our work with CAMEM is a very positive sign showing that the future of FIMEM is passing through combinations of proximity:
* Establishment of an equivalent of CAMEM in America
Before extending to Europe the same grouping principle, we wanted to open a discussion group on the Future of FIMEM as a whole. This includes issues such as solidarity between movements, the financing of FIMEM, the formation of an international group of trainers, proximity or continental federations, the operation of RIDEF and General Assemblies. 4. Charter Commission
The MEPA, MCE and MCEP worked to reach the drafting of a single proposal to be submitted to a vote by the General Assembly of Nantes. The militants were able to follow all the steps on the FIMEM site where they were able to intervene since the decision to revise the Charter in 2004 in Varenholz. The BD was represented in this commission by Teresita.
5. Relationship with the GD 44 for the preparation of RIDEF Nantes
6. Subsidies for the preparation of the RIDEF
A small commission has operated within which Luba was the BD representative. It will submit its proposals to the GA of Nantes.
8. Continue work on the archives of the FIMEM
Michel hopes the work he will present in Nantes will awaken vocations so as a proper commission could work sharing the tasks. Among the documents we were given:
- A history of the Polish movement with a particularly important issue on Semenowitch Halina.
- A history of the Bulgarian movement.
- All publications of MEPA on the occasion of its annual national meetings.
There are also several translations of articles in Portuguese by Rosa Maria Sampaio, early research on the history of the movements in Tunisia and Cameroon by their representatives.
These documents are inventoried and partially scanned - only lack of time limits us. They will then, before the end of 2010, all be deposed in the Departmental Archives in Nice as advertised. They are included in two DVDs with archive which will be presented at Nantes. Some of them are already available on the FIMEM website.
We have begun work on class presentation by the photo. The idea is to show fixtures and student work with photos with captions, which can be used to advance everyone in his/her everyday teaching. "It is always less stupid when we are more to think and debate together." said Paul Le Bohec.
We have placed particular emphasis on the tributes to those who are most involved in our common history. Celebrating Hispanic-Mexican pioneers in Metepec, with the BD’s partnership (two new videos presented in Nantes), tributes to Halina, Flaviana, Roger, Paul in diverse forms. We continue with our appeal for witnesses: let those who have documents, in particular video (it's an emergency as the material is perishable) think to bring them to us quickly.
Thirty of those videos will also be presented in Nantes.
9. Continue to work on the directory with our movements
This task is fundamental since almost the origins of the Freinet movement and has always been problematic. One would think that the Internet could facilitate it. This directory has been modernized and is in the form of mailing lists. The list of former BD members is complete now, although we are still asking the movement to help us finish it. We still can not guarantee that our list of responsible persons of affiliated movements or ones in process of being affiliated is up to date, although it now appears largely reliable. For safety, we added an informal list of ridéfiens which includes nearly 900 email addresses. This allows us to inform activists when their movement does not spread the information.
A copy of these lists is updated systematically after each RIDEF on the FIMEM site.
10. The commissions.
For reasons of economy, some European movements, at the GA of Metepec, had suggested reducing the number of board members and proposed to compensate the opening of a dozen commissions. We do not do inventory: except the ones we mentioned above, none worked, not even those requested for many years on issues such as education, training or globalization. Perhaps we relied too much to the elected persons!
11. Relationship with the movements
The FIMEM has no longer travel budget except for the BD meetings, so we can make more visits to our movements only as personal expenses, without compensation. We have benefited from our presence in Mexico to meet with groups and in particular Mrs M. Oaxaca. Participation in the Polish National Congress Moszczanka. Internships in Russia. Participation in International Symposium on interculturalism in Naples. Meeting a Polish bus in Vence during an exchange (see video). Participation to the 10th ENEF in Brazil.
We wondered in 2008 whether the FIMEM still had a future. We doubt not, of course, but on condition that we think together on this soon future. Proposals will be made to lay the groundwork for a working group on the Future of the FIMEM. We are somewhat in the same situation as the organizers of the World Social Forums. International gatherings cost dear, are reserved to an elite or subject to hazards of subsidies. We must therefore find a solution that allows us to reconcile the neighbourhood meetings and meetings of world increasingly decentred towards emegring countries since they became the majority in number.
July 23th, 2010
- Enforce the communication between the movements. Encourage the regional cooperation and meetings.
- Establish relations with the Spanish movement (MCEP) on the RIDEF preparation in Spain.
- Continue working on the FIMEM archives.
- Continue working on the yearbook with all the movements.
- Think about FIMEM’s future.
- Create a net to resist and be opposed to the destruction of the public school.
- Establish relations with the International Organisations.
- Create a new cooperative Site which makes possible to communicate, work together and be informed for all the FIMEM members. This Site keeping all the information from the actual FIMEM Site should be accessible to other interested persons.
- Publish inventory of the archives keeping the memory of the International Freinet movement as well as theirs addresses (post address and Web Site) where they could be consulted. (Mayenne, Nice…)