How to work democratically in our classrooms? Video-sharing cooperative research group

Submitted by Claude Beaunis on 06/02/16 – 10:25
How to work democratically in our classrooms? Video-sharing cooperative research group.
This workshop captures the theme of the RIDEF on these points:
How to work democratically in our classrooms? How to educate our children to citizenship? How does participatory democracy reflect on mathematics / language learning / arts and expression /exploration ...? How does Freinet pedagogy take place concretely in the various subjects / activities in our schools?

The Class Council: Preparing Young People for Democracy

Submitted by Brigitta Kovermann on 18/10/12 – 23:53

According to the recent Deutsche Shell’s Jugendwerk report on German youth, young Germans are not generally apolitical. Young people have difficulties with politics, but the much bigger problem lies on the other side: it’s that politics is reluctant to involve young people.[1] It’s important to young people to have a say and to utilize their competence to contribute. Young people’s wish list for school would include improvements like more small workgroups, more projects, more independent research by themselves, more classroom discussion, to have more say in class planning, a trustful relationship to their teachers.[2] The ways of teaching and learning mentioned by the young themselves promote cooperative learning and democratic skills.