With regard to the Benaiges Scholarship, the MEPA maintains

Submitted by Luis Ricardo on 29/08/20 – 23:09

The Movement for Popular Alternative Education, MEPA, in Mexico, considers the following

- There is no need to create a commission for the Benaiges scholarship, since it is an ongoing project, which only lacks the funding that the C.A. owes it since 2018.

- We reiterate that the commissions of FIMEM cannot be integrated by people who are not part of the confederation. Flor Zaldumbide has not been a member of the MEPA since 13 August 2020, as we informed in the letter sent to the C.A. on 14 August 2020.

2020.07.10 - ICEM questions to the FIMEM CA Boards for GA Léonard De Leo 10/07/20 – 12:02

Good morning to the CA Board members,

THANKS for my election at CA of Fimem

Submitted by Lanfranco Genito on 25/09/18 – 09:22

Text of my thanks, that I did not have time to read, at the FIMEM General Assembly in Ljungskile

Thank you to all, for my election at CA of Fimem.
I want to thank first my Italian companeros, after my friend Nuccia Maldera. I also greet Eduard, that after a few years, leaves the CA.
I am very honored, to have been elected in such an important organism as the CA of Fimem; the federation of our associations of educators who, as volunteers, dedicate part of their time and their energies, to a better world. I promise to do my best, to honor this position.

manifeste contre les politiques migratoires européennes voté à la RIDEF de Suède en 2018

Submitted by Sylviane Amiet on 15/09/18 – 09:39

MANIFESTO 350 educators from 27 countries meet at the 32nd International Meeting of Educators Freinet (RIDEF) at Ljungskile in Sweden.

During the last fifteen years, an "atomic bomb" has been deployed in the Mediterranean: 34,361 victims so far, including many children.